The importance of respecting the cold chain for the transport of foodstuffs

Respecting the cold chain means ensuring that refrigerated or frozen foods are maintained at a constant temperature, positive or negative depending on the product, in accordance with regulations or their labelling. This process, which is mandatory and regulated, allows the products to maintain their qualities (hygienic, nutritional and organoleptic) from the production stage to the kitchen. Indeed, the cold limits, or even stops, the proliferation of micro-organisms that can be the cause of certain diseases.

Thus, all food operators are required to comply with the temperatures prescribed by regulation or set under their responsibility in manufacturing, storage, transport and distribution. For example, for cooked fish, shellfish, cooked meat, thawed products, freshly opened products or home-made meals, the storage temperature must be between 0 and 4 degrees. Another example, for all frozen food, ice-cream and sorbets, the storage temperature must be -18 degrees. Respecting the cold chain during transport is certainly the most complicated for the professionals of the sector, especially when the means of locomotion need to evolve, in particular in the city centers, to limit the polluting emissions to the maximum. Thus, to continue to transport these fragile foodstuffs, while acting for a softer mobility, there are today more responsible solutions of transport, like the bicycle-cargo equipped with isothermal module, positive cold and negative cold, with recording of the regulatory data, of which the temperature curve.

discover The Refrigerated cargo bike

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