A duty of exemplarity for the State and local authorities

With the Climate and Resilience text and the resulting decree No. 2017-24, the message is clear: the State, local authorities and companies must be exemplary in terms of ecological transition and set an example. For those entities with a fleet of more than 100 vehicles, new proportions of vehicles with CO2 emissions not exceeding 60 g/km have been introduced. 

Several steps were defined. The managers of these fleets will have to integrate 70% of models emitting less than 60 g/km of CO2 by 2027 for the State and 2030 for local authorities and companies. This can include hydrogen, electric and hybrid vehicles, as long as they always respect the maximum CO2 emission threshold. Another obligation introduced by the Climate and Resilience text for the public sector is to have a fleet with 37.4% ultra-low emission models, electric or hydrogen, by 1 January 2026.

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